Agile Testing Days Workshop in Action

The Black Ops Testing team operated in Germany in November 2014 for 4 days (10th - 13th).

Using the cover story of a 2 hour hands on workshop, Tony, Steve and Alan infiltrated “Agile Testing Days” in November.

Alan went to work early using his Alias (”The Evil Tester”) and presented a full day tutorial and the closing keynote.

For the workshop we started with 5 minute lighting talks, where we drew attention to important ‘stuff’ for the upcoming missions:

We were testing on shared servers, so we had to have some rules:

We then had multiple testing phases where we encouraged the participants to test the app. We mingled and coached, asked questions, gave tips. And periodically we stopped proceedings to debrief based on what we observed.

As we went through the session we popped Hints and Tips up on the screen to spark new ideas and suggest new areas to test. We also presented demos of controlling test data and bugs we found.

Gil Zilberfeld described the workshop from his perspective on his blog.

You can find the slides over on slideshare

Black Ops Testing Workshop from Agile Testing Days 2014 from eviltester